Gazechim Export history
With more than 80 years’ experience, the Gazechim group has become the leading distributor of composite materials, plastics, refrigerant fluids, liquid gases and chemical substances.

1937 05 01

Creation of "Anhydride Sulfureux Français" in Béziers, by two families: Louis Grapin and Roger Rouayroux.
The company distributes sulphur dioxide – SO2.
1948 01 03

To support its growth, "Anhydride Sulfureux Français" partners up with La Compagnie Chimique d’Alais et de la Camargue (which became Pechiney in 1950).
1965 06 11

ASF starts to market chlorine and adopts the name Gazechim.
1967 01 18

Start of the Export business with the export of liquid gases and chemical substances.
1973 01 20

Gazechim diversifies its business: start of the distribution of composites.
1975 04 15

Gazechim continues to diversify, with the distribution of plastic materials
1990 11 15

Gazechim extends its know-how to the packaging and distribution of refrigerant fluids.
2016 05 19

High purity ammonia packaging and special gas distribution
2020 09 04

Snector supports the growth of the plastics business.